Year: 2020 | Month: June | Volume 7 | Issue 1

Economic Feasibility of Parallel Education Policies in India

Adil Khan


As per the survey by ASSOCHAM, about 87 per cent of primary school children and up to 95 per cent of high school students received private tutoring in metro cities. This paper is prepared on basis of conditions and challenges a student is facing because of his educational needs and aspirations. It strived to get into the causes and consequence of following two platforms i.e. Government /Private aided or unaided schools and Private tuitions centers/coaching institutions. As these both supplement the learning of a student but somehow this policy is not having favorable outcomes. It has found a student academic schedule prolonged and absence of proper sphere to show his creativity or to present his innovative ideas ultimately adversely affecting his overall development leading to degradation of valuable human resources. This paper also focused towards the growing market of private tutors and coaching institutions to cater the demand of students who see as an option to earn livelihood or profit putting additional burden on the family budget. It has further incorporated the views and opinions of school teachers & parents, taking note of their concern.

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